Click on Open Course from the homepage
Click on the Activity Feed tab
Here is where students will see all of the posts from the instructor and the students in the course. Students may also add new posts.
Click the drop down menu to select a concept
Click on the Create New Post button
Enter a title for your post, type your post in the space provided, and decide to make your post visible to everyone in your class or only your instructor. You may upload an optional image that will be associated with your post. After you complete your post, click Add.
To view your post, click on the Activity Feed tab. You may view it in All Posts or in My Posts.
Notice that other students can comment on your post and/or like your post.
To view all of the comments you have made on other students' posts, click the My Comments tab.
You may save any posts created by you, your instructor, or other students.
Click on the post you want to save
Click the word “Save”
Click on the Saved tab to see all the posts that you have saved
Another place to create a new post is from the bottom of a concept.
Scroll to the bottom of the concept where you want to create a post.
- Click on the Create New Post button
Follow the directions above to fill out the form and then click Add.
Note: The posts you create here and the ones you see are only associated with the current Concept.
You may click the tabs to filter the Posts in order to see which ones you want to see. If you continue to scroll down, you will see the actual posts and comments associated with the current Concept.