One way to navigate to your assignments is by using the Assignments tab within your Concepts.
Navigate to a specific Concept
First, click into the Set where you will find the Concept
Find and click on the Concept you want
- Click the Assignments tab
You may click on Practice, Quiz, or Test to begin one of those three assignments associated with that concept.
Note: If you do not see one or more of these assignments listed, that just means that your instructor did not assign it for this particular Concept.
Some instructors will include release dates that prohibit students from beginning an assignment until a certain date. Similarly, watch for due dates.
Some instructors will require students to complete the Practice before attempting the Quiz and they may also require you to complete the Quiz before attempting the Test.
When taking a Quiz or Test, be sure to click the Submit button after you have completed the assignment.. (You will not be able to Submit a Quiz or Test until you have attempted EVERY question.)
Note: Some instructors may use different terms other than “practice”, “quiz” and “test”.
As you complete assignments, the icons in the Progress Map will change colors. Below is the Key for the status of assignments.